The following policies are applied by the Infinite Research for publishing of books or book chapters.
1. Peer Review Process
1.1. For Academic Books
Infinite Research follows double blind peer review process for all the submitted manuscripts by consultation with the two independent reviewers who are experts in that specific area. Based on the comments received from the peer reviewers, Editor-In-Chief will take the necessary decision on the manuscript(s) and same will be communicated to the author(s).
Any submissions from the editorial board members (or) Editor-In-Chief will undergo independent peer review by subjecting to the other editor(s) and the acceptance will depend on the reviewers’ comments followed by the decision of the Editor(s).
We know that the peer review process is time consuming process and it’s our prime objective to give a decision on the submitted manuscripts at the earliest i.e. within 3 weeks of the submission (expected review time).
1.2. For Non-Academic Books
Acceptance is depending on the significance of the content and how language used throughout the book. Book content shouldn’t be reproduced from the existing books and we also check the originality of the book content by using the plagiarism check tools, if applicable.
2. Proof Read Of Manuscript (or) Book Proposal
Infinite Research is an international publisher, hence we accept the manuscripts in English language. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to maintain the language of manuscript in clear, concise and easily understandable to the greater audience. If you have a problem with the language usage/any, then it is advisable to go for proofread services. However, some corrections will be done in final accepted manuscript(s) by the publisher, if any.
3. Lodging Of Complaints (or) Appeals
If author(s) (or) external funding bodies (or) any other have any conflicts with the accepted and/or published work(s), they can lodge a complaint to the publisher via email at
4. Manuscript (or) Book Proposal Submission Policies
Before submitting a manuscript, authors must accept the following rules and regulations.
4.1. Manuscript (or) book proposal is submitting solely to the Infinite Research.
4.2. Manuscript (or) book proposal has not been published at anywhere and also it is not under the consideration of any other book publisher simultaneously.
4.3. If any table(s) / figure(s) / image(s) copied from the published work(s), author(s) is/are responsible to get the written permission from the copyright holder.
4.4. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to check the quality and originality of the work(s).
4.5. Any part of the data (or) images has not been manipulated to make the results suitable for the conclusions.
4.6. Author(s) is/are responsible for the content of the manuscript(s) (or) book chapters (or) book proposal(s) submitted to the Infinite Research.
4.7. Publisher has reserved rights to advertise in the accepted manuscripts.
Hereby, it is informing to all of our authors, submission of the manuscript / book chapters / book proposals to the Infinite Research indicates that the author(s) is/are agreeing and following the above compliance(s). Any one of the authors of the manuscript should submit the manuscript to the Infinite Research and it is not permissible to submit the manuscript / book chapter / book proposals by agents (or) any other etc. All the proofs / future correspondences will be forwarded to the corresponding author(s) of the work(s) / manuscript(s) / book proposal(s) specified during the submission.
5. Conflicts Of Interests
If any conflicts of interests exist, then that should be specified in the manuscript (or) book proposal. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to acknowledge the funding source(s) and/or contributor(s) (or) any other(s) in the manuscript (or) book proposal. During the review process, we also ask our Editor(s) and Reviewer(s) to declare the conflict of interest regarding the submitted manuscript and if they expressed “YES” then, immediately, that manuscript will be rejected. In any case, if author(s) failed to declare the conflicts of interests, manuscript (or) book proposal will be rejected immediately. If it’s found after the publishing of book (or) book chapter, Infinite Research will take the necessary action.
6. Plagiarism Check And Its Limit
Our prime objective is quality, uniqueness and scientific significance of the work(s), therefore, we follow the double blind peer review to publish quality books. Submitted manuscript(s) / book proposal(s) is/are also evaluated for the plagiarized material by high quality plagiarism software and if, the manuscript contains plagiarized material more than the acceptance limit (20%), then the same will be communicated to the author(s) for the revision (or) paraphrasing of the manuscript(s) / book proposal(s). In order to avoid the delay in publishing, this is the responsibility of the authors to submit the revised version of manuscript(s) / book proposal(s) within the stipulated time.
7. Publication And Research Misconduct
It is a serious consideration during the publishing process and books/book chapters published by Infinite Research will follow the Committee On Publication Ethics guidelines in case of suspected misconduct exist.
8. Publishing Ethics
Infinite Research strictly follows and supports the Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct guidelines. Infinite Research will cooperate with the editorial team and author(s) for smooth publication of the scientifically sound researches.
8.1. Responsibilities Of Editors/Editor-In-Chief From The Publisher End
8.1.1. Editors have to play a vital role in peer review process of the manuscript(s).
8.1.2. Editor(s) / Editor-In-Chief must take a decision on the acceptance / rejection of a book proposal / book chapter / book manuscript.
8.1.3. Infinite Research follows the double blind peer review process, hence it is the responsibility of the Editor / Editor-In-Chief / Reviewers to maintain the confidentiality of the work before its publishing.
8.1.4. Decisions related to the misconduct, malpractice (or) any other complaints, Editor-In-Chief should take a decision according to the editorial policies of Infinite Research by consultation with the Infinite Research.
8.2. Responsibilities Of Reviewers
Reviewer(s) must consider the following for the review of manuscript(s) and suggest the author(s) to enhance the accuracy and the quality of the book content to attract the greater audience.
8.2.1. Scientific quality of the work(s) / study(s).
8.2.2. Advancement of the research when compared to the existing research, in case of thesis / dissertations.
8.2.3. Whether they followed the international standards (or) policies, if exists.
8.2.4. Must specify the comments along with the reason.
8.2.5. Balance of the English language throughout the manuscript.
8.2.6. Mention the strengths and weaknesses of the work / study.
8.2.7. Mention the possible suggestions to make the manuscript / book content scientifically sound.
8.2.8. Quality of figures (or) images.
8.2.9. Check whether the format of the equations and/or formulas suitable for the final production of galley proof. If not suitable, then suggest the possible software for the better final production / output of the book.
8.2.8. Suggest the statistical methods, wherever applicable.
8.2.11. Check the literature review of the work and compare the references with the literature review for suitability, if applicable.
8.2.12. Check the title whether it is suitable (or) not to the objectives of the book content.
8.2.13. Reviewers should maintain the confidentiality and shouldn’t discuss with the others except the editorial team.
8.2.14. Reviewers try to identify the possible plagiarism in the received manuscript(s) / book proposals for review.
8.2.15. Identify the published work(s) related to the submitted work(s) which has not/have not been cited by the author(s), if applicable.
8.2.16. Reviewers must be neutral and shouldn’t have criticism on the author(s).
8.2.17. Reviewers must specify whether they have any conflicts of interests and if they have conflicts of interests, then the reviewers shouldn’t consider the manuscript for review and same must be communicated to the Editor-In-Chief.
Finally, report whether the book suitable for the publication and attracts the greater audience (or) not.
8.3. Responsibilities Of Author(s)
8.3.1. Author(s) must confirm that the submitted work is original and free of plagiarism (within the limits).
8.3.2. Clearly acknowledge the conflicts of interests, if exist.
8.3.3. Confirm the work(s) solely submitted to the Infinite Research and not submitted elsewhere for the simultaneous consideration.
8.3.4. Confirm the submitted work is not published elsewhere except like poster presentation (or) presentations at the conferences (or) seminars (or) workshops.
8.3.5. Who has majorly contributed to the work must be stated as “Author” and remaining as “Co-author(s)”.
8.3.6. Specify the funding sources in manuscript / book proposal, if exist.
8.3.7. Specify the conflicts of interests in the manuscript / book proposal, if exist.
8.4. Infinite Research Responsibilities
Infinite Research will check the following information
8.4.1. Authorship.
8.4.2. Funding sources of the work.
8.4.3. Conflicts of interests.
8.4.4. Confidentiality of the work.
8.4.5. Publication ethics.
8.4.6. Modifications in the manuscript / book content, if needs.
8.4.7. Timely publication of the accepted work(s).
8.4.8. Checks whether they followed the standards or not.