Infinite Research (IR) invites the book proposals / manuscripts from all the areas of education. You can publish any type of books in below mentioned languages. Our top priority is significance and excellence of the book or book chapter content. Book publishing is a joint collaboration and effort of the author(s) and publisher. Author(s) must concentrate on the content of the book(s) and no need to concentrate on the layout of the book because it is the responsibility of the publisher.
Subjects (or) Fields Of Publishing
IR covers all the subjects and invites the book proposal(s) from all over the world in English language.
There is no any restricted eligibility criteria but the book proposal / manuscript must contain well organized significant content.
Plagiarism Check
Submitted manuscripts will be evaluated for the plagiarized material by high quality plagiarism detection software(s) and if the manuscript contains the plagiarized material more than the acceptance limit (20%), then the same will be communicated to the author(s) for the revision of the manuscript. In order to avoid the delay in publishing, this is the responsibility of the author(s) to submit the revised version of manuscript within the stipulated time.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
IR will provide the ISBN for the published books.
Book Preparation
Author(s) must follow the author guidelines while writing a manuscript. Editors from the publisher have reserved rights to change (or) adjust the layouts (or) style to maintain the standards (or) uniformity of the book(s).
Structure Of The Book
Book proposal may have the following: Title page, About Author(s), Preface, Dedication (Optional), Acknowledgement (Optional), Contents, Abbreviations (If used in the main text), Chapters (Text body), References (read guidelines completely for clarity in this section), and Index (Optional but strongly encouraged).
In Case Of Thesis / Dissertation(s) To Be Published As A Book
Book proposal may have the following: Title Page, About Author(s), Preface, Dedication (Optional), Acknowledgement (Optional), Contents, Abbreviations (If used in the main text), Abstract with Keywords, Introduction, Results and Discussion (separate sections (Results, Discussions) would be preferred but not mandatory), Conclusion, References, and Index (Optional).
This work / study shouldn’t be published anywhere. We have very strict review process as well as we will check each manuscript for the plagiarized material using the Similarity Checker and / or turnitin.
Title Page
Title of the proposed book(s) must be clear and represent the content(s) of the entire book.
About Author(s)
Write briefly one paragraph about the author(s) and if more than one author contributes the book, then, specify their name followed by write briefly about the respective author(s) (publisher will assist you in this section).
Author(s) should explain about the book such as scope of the book, why it was written, targeted field (if it targets any specific field of study/audience etc), and contributions (if exist) etc.
It is optional, if you want to dedicate your book to anybody (or) field of study (or) anything else, please specify under this section. Publisher is allowing you to add the photographs (white background photo encouraged strongly) of dedicated people (or) any other under this section.
It is optional, if authors wants to express their gratitude, then they can express in this section (try to finish in single page, if possible, but not restricted to single page).
This section is must and author(s) should specify the chapter titles with the page numbers and in case of the dissertation(s) / thesis, author(s) can write the chapter titles (like Abstract, Introduction, etc) as described above with the page numbers.
If the authors used any abbreviations in the main text of the book(s), those should be mentioned under this section. During the first time usage of the abbreviations, full form of the abbreviation must be written followed by specify the abbreviation(s) in brackets and later on you can use the abbreviation(s).
Eg: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), later you can use as “RA” instead of using the “Rheumatoid arthritis.
Main Body (or) Text Body
It is very important section and may consider as a heart of the book. Language (used for the writing a book) must be balanced throughout the book without any grammatical / any language related errors, hence, careful consideration regarding the grammatical errors will be expected. Each chapter in the book must be started in a separate page and chapters must be cited with the references (in case of thesis (or) dissertations) and end of each chapter, author(s) should write the references numbered accordingly cited in the text (but not in alphabetical order), if applicable.
It is optional but it is appreciated if the author(s) mentioning the key words with the page numbers.
Tables And Illustrations
Author(s) must locate the table(s) and illustration(s) in the text wherever applicable. Write clear captions that should indicate the content of the table(s) (or) figure(s) and number all the table(s) and figure(s) in Arabic numerical. Cite the table and figure numbers inside the text and locate wherever applicable and no need to mention separately.
If you would like to add references at the end of each chapter, cite all those references inside the chapter and number accordingly their (references) citation in the chapter but not in the alphabetical order of the references.
Clarification On References
There is no restriction on citing the chapter / book with the references but in case of the thesis / dissertations, it is strongly encouraged. If the authors would like to specify the references then follow the below guidelines for the citation of references.
Citation Of References (If Applicable)
Inside the text, it must be indicated as “[1], [2],” etc.
If the author(s) wants to indicate 2 (or) 3 (or) more references of continuous numbered, those should be cited as [1-3] but not [1, 2, 3]. If the references are not continuous then mention as [1, 3, 5] (or) somewhere continuous and another is not continuous then mention as [1-3, 5, 7].
Under the references section, references must be numbered as 1, 2, etc.
References Style
Journal Articles
Safarzadeh E, Sandoghchian Shotorbani S, Baradaran B. Herbal medicine as inducers of apoptosis in cancer treatment. Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2014; 4(suppl 1): 421-7.
Format: Author names (Name followed by surname or initial). Title of the paper. Journal name Year; Volume(Issue): Page numbers.
(Should mention all author name(s) followed by initial or surname and no need to mention the et al.)
Khurmi RS, Gupta JK. Theory of machines. S Chand Publishing, India, 2005.
Book Chapters
Brown B, Aaron M. The politics of nature. In: Smith J (ed), The rise of modern genomics, 3rd edition, Wiley, New York, 2001, pp. 230-257.
Online Source or Document
Andrew ZJ. Thermodynamics overview. Thought Co Web: Accessed on 25-11-2017.
Dissertation or Thesis
Darius H. Savant syndrome- Theories and Empirical Findings. University of Turku, 2014.
Conference Papers
Fan W, Gordon MD, Pathak R. Personalization of search engine services for effective retrieval and knowledge management. Twenty-first international conference on information systems, Australia, 2000.
Tables must be numbered as Arabic numerical and place the tables at appropriate locations inside the text. Each table must contain the title or caption which should indicate the contents of the table.
Example: Table 1.
Figures or Images
Good quality of images or figures is expected to submit by the author(s) and specify in Arabic numerical. Figures should place at their appropriate locations in the text. The acceptable figure(s) format is JPG/JPEG/PNG/TIFF.
Example: Figure 1.
Equations and Formulas
Frequently, we are facing the problem with formulas and equations during final production of paper for high quality when author(s) prepared the equations or formulas using the Microsoft word’s equation editing tool. We suggest the author(s) to use the Math Type Software Offered by Design Science or any other software which gives high quality equations and formulas.
Ethical Considerations
Read our Editorial Policies .
Online Submission
Authors can submit their book proposals / manuscripts via [email protected].
Availability Of Books
Our responsibility is not only a publishing but also bringing good reputation to the author’s work(s) (or) book(s) published by IR. All the published books are available at IR portal. We are also contacting the ecommerce firms such as Amazon, Flipkart and other firms for selling of our products and it also gives better reputation to the published book(s).
Order Books At
Enthusiastic candidates can purchase books at KVRBC portal (or) can also order at [email protected] with complete details such as book title, number of copies needed, address for communication, billing address, delivery address and phone number.